Defenders of the Status Quo

Who are the defenders of the status quo in the adoption realm? When the major child advocacy and adoption organizations support equal access to records for adult adoptees, why do we still live (and die) under the sealed record in most of America's states? Who is paying full-time lobbyists and religious organizations to oppose the truth that sets people free? Visit the web pages below and find out.

The American Center for Law and Justice
The ACLJ is the Pat Robertson-founded legal organization that provides the polarized image to the American Civil Liberties Union. It is three attorneys from the ACLJ who, along with four individuals and an adoption agency, filed a class-action suit against Tennessee's equal access to adoption records law.
ACLJ Statement of Purpose
This page outlines the history, goals, and more about the American Center for Law and Justice.
Christian Broadcasting Network
The Reverend Doctor Pat Robertson's web page offered a transcript of a CBN story about the Tennessee lawsuit. An interesting article that equates those who believe in open records with those who favor abortion, and also states the fact that the Tennessee open records challenge is the first case ever brought by the ACLJ of Tennessee. Are you a Christian who is opposed to abortion but who favors open adoption records? A member of the 700 Club who favors open adoption records? Why not drop the Reverend Robertson a line when you visit his web page?
National Council For Adoption
Here is a national organization employing full-time paid lobbyists who claim to speak for waiting children, adoptive parents, birth parents, and all adoptees. The NCFA has a long history of coming into states that are contemplating legislative change such as making the adoptee's original birth certificate available to the adoptee and persuading legislators, through bogus and unfounded arguments, that open adoption records will cause more abortions and fewer adoptions. Find out who is speaking for you and what they are saying.
NCFA Member Agency List
Here is an interesting list of mostly Latter Day Saint and Gladney-affiliated adoption agencies for anyone who wants to know who supports the National Council For Adoption, and, presumably, their goals in the United States.
American Life League
The American Life League joined with the NCFA as an amicus curiae in the Tennessee access to adoption records case. ALL is located at P. O. Box 1350, Stafford VA 22555. Voice: 540-659-4171; FAX 540-659-2586; BBS 540-659-7111. Email:
Christian Coalition
The Christian Coalition joined the NCFA as amicus curiae in the Tennessee lawsuit.
Eagle Forum
Eagle Forum can be found at 316 Pennsylvania Avenue, Suite 203, Washington DC 20003. Tel. 202-544-0353; FAX 202-547-6996. They joined the TN case as amicus curiae.
Family Research Council
The FRC joined the TN case with the NCFA as amicus. They are at 700 13th Street, NW, Washington DC 20005. Tel. 202-393-2100. They sponsor an internet conference at FRC-INFO@NETCENTRAL.NET
Hear My Voice
Hear My Voice opposes open adoption records and has stated so by joining the case against the new Tennessee law. They are at 1100 N. Main Street, Suite 119, Ann Arbor MI 48104-1059. Tel. 1-800-95-VOICE. Email:

Other individuals and organizations opposing open adoption records:

Are you a member of or contributor to any of the above organizations? Get educated on the issues and let them know how you feel about your rights being violated!

© 1997 L. Anne Babb, PhD