Cindy Bertrand Holub - Pennsylvania Director, Bastard Nation
Hello everyone,
As the PA director of Bastard Nation, I would like to welcome you all to this rally in support of open records for adult adoptees. Thank you for coming.
As we gather within sight of Independence
Hall and the Liberty Bell, we ask whether the rights embodied in our Constitution were meant to apply to all citizens of the United State or only to those who were not adopted.
We know that throughout American history others have had to struggle to gain acknowledgment of their civil rights, and now it is our turn. The half-century- old system of sealed adoption records must end and our right
to records of our own births restored. As long as this system based on secrecy and lies continues to exist, an aura of shame will cling to adoption.
As attempt to perpetuate this system, the Uniform Adoption Act, has been introduced into the PA legislature.
Among other things, this act would seal adoption records for ninety-nine
years and would criminalize searching for one's birth relatives. Let us send a message to our legislators that this is totally unacceptable!
There is a petition on our literature table. While you are here, please take a moment to sign it and express your support for open records for adult adoptees. I will
personally deliver it to the PA Joint State Government Task Force on Adoption Law. Please write to your own representatives, as well. Thank you.