The earliest pioneers of this land fought and died for these notions of equality, liberty, and justice. They pledged their lives, fortunes,
and their sacred honor to uphold these virtues. For over one hundred fifty years records remained open and our representatives remained true to their predecessors. However, it wasn't until the 1940's that
state-sponsored secrecy became the norm and our rights as adoptees were all but erased. How ironic that the very documents that promised so much should come to mean so little to anyone growing up in the
closed adoption system.
Today, however is a different story. Our efforts have become united so that we may bring hope to all future adoptees. Essentially, we have
become the pioneers of tomorrow by finding the strength of our convictions today. We have found our voice and it's loud as hell. We simply will not stand by and let our representatives create laws that
adversely affect our lives.
It is time to make our stand! It is time for our legislators to make a
statement to future generations and for all who follow in their footsteps that secrecy has no place in a free society. It is time for our leaders to go boldly into the 21st century by setting the example and
not just following the rule.
We are not looking to place blame or guilt on anyone. We are not asking for reparations and human rights violations. We are merely asking our leaders to correct the injustice
that has persisted in the closed adoption system since the 1940's. We are asking you to open your eyes to injustice and see it for what it truly
is...a violation of our rights. 6,000,000 adoptees are currently serving a life sentence in the United States as we make our stand today.
So it with great persistence that we urge you to restore what should be rightfully ours by virtue of being human. This right to information should be mandated by law in the
tradition of our founding fathers' commitment to liberty and equality. After all, open records are the norm, not the exception.
Will you stand with us, and at long last let freedom ring?