Father Tom Brosnan
Our Records, Our Rights Rally Invocation
November 8th, 1997
Philadelphia, PA

Hear O Lord, the sound of my call. Hear O Lord, and answer.

Today we protest! Today we pray.

WE, the ones  relinquished, Bastards and orphans, adoptees all. We come together today before America's  Liberty Bell, the great symbol of independence and emancipation. The symbol that reminds  us and America, that there are certain rights, inalienable in nature, that are endowed  upon each human person, by virtue of his or her likeness to the Creator, that no person or  institution may abrogate.

Over the past five decades or more, the inalienable right to know the mother who gave you  birth, the father who begat you, the name given you at birth, and even baptism: that  inalienable right HAS been abrogated, taken from us by stealth and storm. Taken from us,  who, American citizenship notwithstanding, and through no fault of our own, have suffered  relinquishment to the closed adoption system.

Here today we protest, the theft of name and heritage. From state to state, the adoption  beuaracracy stands, bolstered in recent years through the increased buying and selling of  babies. A beauracracy that stands, arms folded, in George Wallace fashion, refusing us, as  adult adoptees, access to the records which chronicle our parents, our ethnic heritage,  our medical history, our names. Here today, we protest!

And sadly, church officials, especially certain Catholic bishops, like whitened  sepulchers, rail against the abortion laws, based on principles
of privacy, that usurp the rights of the unborn to live. While on the other side of the  Episcopal mound, in matters of closed adoption, claim that a woman's right to privacy is  supreme. That a mother has the right to privacy, even from her own child. Here today, we  protest!

Today we join our voices with those of Bastards and adoptees throughout history. Today we  stand before the monolith of the closed adoption system, the very soul of secrets and  lies, and we demand our God-given right from whence we came, to whom we were born, the  name given us at birth. We call to awake in America, to the injustice, that forbids us  access to our heritage by blood.

Here today, like Moses before pharaoh, we protest! And like every orphan and Bastard, we  pray. We pray that the hearts of government officials, and church authorities, will not  remain hardened against the pursuit of truth, and family reunion. We pray that the  government officials, and church authorities, will not place impossible burdens upon the  backs of the adopted. The heavy burden of never knowing heritage and family. And like the  adopted Moses standing before the burning bush, we seek the peace that only truth can  bring. In that moment of sacred history, God revealed to Moses two truths: the divine  name, AND Moses' identity. God revealed himself to Moses as the God of Abraham, Isaac, and  Jacob. The God of Moses Hebrew parents, confirming the adopted Moses in his true identity,  as the Hebrew raised Egyptian. Here today, we protest, and we pray.

Today we protest, though we stand without the political influence of the powerful adoption  lobby, and without the wealth of self-made baby brokers, and today, we pray. Invoking the  One who created us in His image and likeness, Bastards and orphans, adoptees all. To you,  O beauty, ever ancient, ever new. To you, protector of orphans, and defender of the poor.  We beseech you, come to our aid, Lord God Almighty, and break through the secrecy and lies  of closed adoption. With Your almighty power, unseal all closed records, and reveal to our  eyes the truth of our origins. In reverent worship, in ardent pursuit of truth, we,  Bastards and orphans, adoptees all, give you the glory, forever and ever. Amen

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