Ron Morgan - Executive  Committee, Bastard Nation

Well, here we are. This is Ground Zero. This is the  beating living
heart of Bastard Nation.

Again, let me  welcome you, Bastards, birth mothers, adoptive  parents,brothers, sisters, friends, supporters and the  merely curious. When I look at you all, I see lawyers,  doctors, ranchers, carpenters, students, fathers and  mothers; a cross section of adult citizenship.

But the governments of forty-seven of the fifty states  see us asperpetual children, and have defined us with  special laws to keep us that way. The governments of  forty-eight states see fit to enwrap us in secrecy, to  bind us in restraining orders without cause, to tie our  rights to permission slips signed by our parents, to  violate our rights with seeming impunity. When I look out  at you, though, I am thinking it's time for a change...

What do we want?
When do we want them?

I thought so.

It's time.

It's past time for the secrecy.
It's past time for the lies.

It's past time for anti-adoptee mercenaries, like Joel  Tannenbaum and Bill Pierce, to cut legislative deals  cloaked in secrecy, to site spurious and unchallenged  statistics to an uneducated public, to pretend to  audacious authority, to claim that WE are anti-adoption,  when we are the embodiment of adoption. It is way past  time for them.

It's past time for compromise.

Let me read from our Mission Statement:

"Bastard Nation has as its primary goal the opening  of all adoption records, uncensored and unaltered, to an  adoptee upon request, at age of majority."

"Bastard Nation asserts that it is the right of  people everywhere to
have their official original birth record unaltered and  free from
falsification and that the adoptive status of any person  should not prohibit them from exercising such a  right."

It's past time when we grovel for access, and accept  anything less than what is ours; Our Records, Our Rights,  for all. It's past time for anything less, whether it's  Contact Vetoes, CI's or White-Out provisions. It's past  time for all of that.

Today is OUR TIME,
Today is OUR DAY,
And we intend to seize it.

What do we want?
When do we want it?

Today we have  gathered some of the people who are working toward that  change, in statehouse hearing rooms and legislative  offices across the nation. We have folks from Illinois,  New Jersey, New York, (more states). We have activists  from Delaware, who last week forcefully and successfully  thwarted the sponsors of the dreaded Uniform Adoption  Act. And, I will be proud to introduce Helen Hill, from  the state of Oregon, who has written, and is now  gathering signatures for, the first true Open Records  Ballot Initiative. Make no mistake; we are in it to win  it.

What do we want?
When to we want them?

We will also going to do a little document shredding  today. Those of you who brought your amended birth  certificates are invited to join us for our Ceremonial  Shredding at the conclusion of the Rally.

Let's get started.


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