Bastard Nation is pleased to announce:

Bastards in the Belly of the Beast:

An Activist Exorcism Ritual to be performed
in front of the offices of Bill Pierce and the NCFA.

Click here for the Rally Photo Gallery

May 14, 1999
Noon-1:00 PM
1930 Seventeenth Street, NW
Washington DC
(at 17th St, NW and Riggs Pl, NW, about 1/4 mile from DuPont Circle)

Bill Pierce IS the Belly of the Beast!

The National Council for Adoption, headed by Dr. William Pierce, is the
most powerful anti-adoption, anti-open records lobby in the United
States today. Founded in 1980 by the Gladney Center and other large
adoption agencies for the sole purpose of keeping adoption records
sealed, the NCFA supports such draconian measures as the Uniform
Adoption Act (UAA). If passed, the UAA would seal all adoption records
for 99 years and make searching through the public record, in some
cases, a felony. The NCFA was the plaintiff in Doe v Sundquist and backs
the lawsuit against the successful open records ballot initiative in
Oregon--M58--that gives the right of obc access to all adults adopted
in that state. While the NCFA claims to represent the "voice of
adoption" it represents only 3.5% of adoption agencies in the US today
(the majority of members are LDS agencies, Gladney, its satellite
agencies, and a handful of mega-agencies), and does not represent the
voice or interests of the vast majority of adoptees, birthparents, or
adoptive parents.

Bring your family, friends, neighbors, and camera. Bring your falsified
amended birth certificate. Bring your crystals, your drum, your
mandolin. Bring your Ph.D. thesis, your Rotary Club membership card.
Your crumhorns, your law degrees!

Help us exorcise the NCFA building and bring the light of truth and
revelation to the poor anti-adoptee wretches trapped within the dank and

The Executive Committee of Bastard Nation

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