Letter from the Editor
Damsel Plum, bqletters@bastards.org

July 21, 2000


Dear Readers,

Welcome to the Summer 2000 issue of the Bastard Quarterly. Adoptee rights advocates have a lot to celebrate this summer. The restoration of adoptee rights in Alabama, the final, long-awaited victory of Oregon's Measure 58, the truth of adoptee rights as civil rights finally permeating mainstream press and media - all are cause for hope and renewed energy. This is the time to get recharged and rededicated to our fellow adoptees, and those who follow us in the journey of adoption. Our experiences and desires may vary widely, but we need stand together, brave and outspoken, if adopted people are to live and exercise their rights without the negative stigma of bastardy and shame.

Please join us in Seattle, Washington this September for a not-to-be-missed celebration of adoptee rights, effective education, and empowering activism. Pioneers of the new adoptee-rights movement such as Helen Hill of Oregon, David Ansardi of Alabama, Ron Morgan, Marley Greiner, Cynthia Bertrand Holub, Julie Dennis and others will join us for a fun and learning-filled weekend at the beautiful Aljoya Conference Center. Please see the back page of this Bastard Quarterly for details and register now by mail or online at ..events/brickroad/ to get the low, earlybird registration rate.

Hope to see you there!

Damsel Plum

Editor, The Bastard Quarterly

Your comments and contributions are welcome at bqletters@bastards.org or by mailing The Bastard Quarterly, P.O. Box 6361, San Rafael, CA, USA 94903, Fax: 415-479-3741.

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Damsel Plum is Publications Chair and Co-founder of Bastard Nation. She resides in Marin County, California with her husband and two sons.

(This feature appeared in the Summer 2000 issue of the Bastard Quarterly.)

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