Bastard Nation Announces New Legislative Chair
We are very pleased to announce that David Ansardi has accepted our offer to assume the position of Legislative Chair of Bastard Nation. David, a longtime BN member, is the Vice-President of AWARE (Alabamians Working for Adoption Reform and Education), the group which successfully lobbied for the re-opening of adoptee records in AL in 2000, the first state to do so through legislative means. David has been a member of BN's LegCom for over a year, taking an active role in formulating strategy with regard to efforts in other states as well. He has been in communication with activists in states such as AR and GA to encourage unconditional adoptee rights legislation.
David, a reunited adoptee, is a molecular biologist who lives in Birmingham, AL with his wife and two daughters. Please join us in welcoming David as our new LegCom Chair!
Executive Committee Bastard Nation: The Adoptee Rights Organization
Marley Greiner Cynthia Bertrand Holub Donna Martz Ron Morgan
********************************************************* (This feature appeared in the Spring 2001 issue of the Bastard Quarterly.) Copyright 2001 Bastard Nation