Join us in the Emerald City for the Magic and Fun of Adoptee Rights Activism!

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Schedule of Events

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Bastard Nation's 4th Annual Conference:
"Bastards on the Brick Road"
September 8-10, 2000
Aljoya Conference Center, Seattle, Washington

Take a trip to the Emerald City and join us in an adoptee rights activist adventure full of brains, heart and courage! Bastard Nation, the leading advocate for adoptee rights, will hold its fourth annual conference, "Bastards on the Brick Road," on September 8-10, 2000, at the Aljoya Conference Center in Seattle, Washington.

Keynoting will be journalist Adam Pertman, who will present a talk entitled, "Opening records, opening eyes: How the adoption revolution is transforming America." Mr. Pertman is a regular journalist for The Boston Globe on adoption and family-related news, an adoptive father of two, and author of the upcoming book, "Adoption Nation."

"Bastards on the Brick Road" will be a symposium focusing on team-building, outreach strategies, and development of leadership skills. It will be open to all who wish to build upon their activist experiences. Presentations and workshops will focus on the wide array of skillsets essential to activists: public relations, organizing within local adoption communities, drafting ballot initiatives, and lobbying legislators.

Those most directly responsible for the adoptee rights victories in Oregon and Alabama will be present to discuss their experiences and answer your questions.

Conference Registration Information:

Full Conference:.

  Early (Before Aug. 1) After Aug. 1
BN Member $ 120.00 ** $ 160.00
Non-Member $ 150.00 $ 190.00
1 Day: BN $ 70.00 $ 85.00
1 Day: Non-member $ 85.00 $ 100.00

** Please note that this year's early full conference rate is even lower for members than last year's. Take advantage of this and register now! Do not miss this opportunity to join the growing ranks of Bastard activists who will go home from this conference newly energized to mount open records efforts in their states!

Register now online with our secure server!

Schedule and Events
Full Schedule - Click Here

  • Friday, September 8th we will hold a sealed records protest in front of the King County Administration building in downtown Seattle from 1:30 to 2:30 pm. Join us as we speak out for adoptee rights in Washington State and everywhere!

  • Bay Cruise:Come join us on the evening of Saturday, September 9th, as the Bastards will be cruising the calm waters of Lake Union and Lake Washington with spectacular views of the city, houseboat community and marine life. Enjoy a catered buffet and try your luck in the fantasy casino as you savor the sights and sounds of the beautiful Seattle waterways. Tickets are $15.00 minimum donation each and can be purchased in advance on the conference registration form. All proceeds from ticket sales go to the Who's Next? fund. Cruise in style and comfort, while at the same time supporting a fund that could help to open records in your state!

Local Accomodations:
The first 2 in this list are within 10 minutes of Aljoya and have shuttle buses to the conference center. You should confirm availability of such shuttles or other transport at the accomodation you choose.

  • Silver Cloud Hotel -
    Mention the BN Conference for a special rate of $110/night, (1 King only).
    Reserve your room online.

  • Edmond Meany Hotel -

  • Travellodge (across from Silver Cloud), 4725 25th NE,
    1-800-578-7878 or (206)525-4612

  • Ramada Inn (Northgate area), 2140 Northgate Way,
    206-365-0700 or 1-800-272-6232

  • University Inn, 4100 Roosevelt Wy NE,
    206-632-5055 or 1-800-733-3855 (102 rooms, pool, dining)

  • University Motel, 4731 12th Ave NE, 206-522-4724

  • University Plaza Hotel, 400 NE 45th, 206-634-0100 (135 rooms, pool)

  • Chambered Nautilus Bed and Breakfast Inn, 5005 22nd Ave. N.E., 206-522-2536 (6 rooms, private baths)

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Bastard Nation's work to establish respect, dignity and equal rights for adoptees.
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