Sheraton Grand at Dallas/Ft. Worth
Irving, Texas
April 3 - 6, 1997
We were selected to present a workshop at
the AAC's 19th International conference. Our workshop is titled
"Bastard Nation: Adoptees Online".
Shea Grimm spoke on Bastard Nation and Adoption Reform Activism.
Damsel Plum spoke about Bastard Nation, its genesis as an online
coalition of fed-up adoptees and its evolution into a grass-roots
adoptee-rights movement.
Both talks included informational handouts.
You can order an audio tape of Shea and Damsel's presentation here.
Bastard Nationals John Peret, Damsel Plum and Mary Anne Cohen also participated in the Poetry reading, which you can also order at the url above.Bastard Nation had its own table set up with informational and promotional materials.
Special thanks for the great hospitality of local Bastard Nationals Julie Ann Andres, Carolyn Evaine Shaw and Mary Block Baker.
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