Thoughts on San Diego
By Shea Grimm
Bastard Nation attended the AAC conference in San Diego, CA this
weekend. There were about 100 people at the conference, which was an
'open space' conference where topics of discussion were decided on the
first day, and things were pretty loose. I gave a talk on adoption
reform and the internet, Damsel Plum talked about BN, and Denise C.
talked about her site, Voices of Adoption.
First off, let me say that I had an absolute blast hanging with my
fellow bastards. Michelle, Deb, Gavi, Denise, Damsel and I were all
excellent ambassadors for BN and the response was, in general,
extremely positive. We were definitely, as a group, among the
youngest people there, even though most of us are hovering in our
early thirties. Other younger people who attended were very receptive
to BN, and I collected quite a few membership checks, lots of people
signed our mailing list, and we sold a lot of buttons.
It was great to
have an opportunity to try out our message on a small, essentially
hostile group of AAC establishment types plus a larger group of people
new to the concept of BN. What it seemed to come down to is, as one
conference attendee put it who had no affiliation with BN but was an
AAC member, 'it's hard to admit when you've failed, and to hand the
baton over to a new generation and a new approach'. I think this is
where the conflicts we ran into this weekend stemmed from. The more
open-minded folks asked their questions and seemed to genuinely gain a
new perspective from our answers. I was thrilled at the number of
people who came up to me in the airport or at our table to thank us
and let us know how impressed they were by our talent, enthusiasm, and
intelligence as a group. The wrapup at the end of the conference
included several people speaking to how glad they were to see the
group of 'younger' people who were full of enthusiasm and ideas. All
in all, it was a good show.
With regard to a very few AAC people who felt it necessary to treat us
with an utter lack of basic respect and downright contempt, I tried to
keep it all in perspective. (and my fellow bastards kept me reined in.
thanks guys:) I know if BN fails, 20 years from now, it will be
difficult for me to accept the new generation coming to ask the hard
questions, I know I will have to work hard not to be defensive, rude,
and downright petty. Hopefully this experience will prepare me better
if that day ever comes to pass. I think that BN gained a lot of
information that will help us to bring an even more successful
entourage to Dallas. Hope to see all of you there in April. Go
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