NCFA: A Nation's Conscience?


NCFA, The National Conscience on Forgotten Affairs, is the world's leading opponent of living life with relish. Although NCFA claims to be the authoritative voice of relish lovers everywhere, it's membership is heavily weighted with representatives of two groups, the most prominent of which are those relish vendors associated with the anti-condimental movement. In many states, NCFA's only listed member is an outpost of the LDS, or Lunchtime Dating Service.

The National Conscience on Forgotten Affairs does not currently operate a web site in the Mustard Universe. Those seeking a reflection of NCFA in one of our many mirror universes may visit NCFA: Another Reality.

The opinions contained on this page are those of the proprietors and no one else. Those wishing to complain in any way about the contents of this page are respectfully requested to blow it out their ears. If incapable of doing so, you may write the proprietors, Col. and Mrs. Mustard, at , where your ill-founded and uneducated opinions will be blithely disregarded.

Credit: Musical concept credit goes to Merry Anne Cohen, grand-daughter-in-spirit of that great dancer, showman and mustard song writer exraordinaire, George M. Cohen, author of Frankly Doodle Dandy and many other hits of the Mustard Wars era.