The Seven Suemigai

A new film by Fakryin Outlouda.


A Sneak Peek At A Film Now in Production on the Wet Coast

Considered by many to be Fakryin Outlouda's most ambitious effort to date, "The Seven Suemigai" is the tale of a small minded population which believes itself to be under constant threat from roving bands of outlaw mustard rogues. The elders decide to hire an anonymous security force to protect the population from the prying of the ungrated marauders.

They recruit an assortment of Suemigai-for-hire, individuals cloaked in mystery and possessed of ancient secrets, working on behalf of promises never made and which can never be kept. The assembled group, The Seven Sumigai, must find a way to protect the tiny minds of their employers, against almost insurmountable odds.

But those who hire the Sumigai also fear them. The most interesting story line is really the contrast between the simple minded population and the more worldly Suemigai, who have experienced secrecy and shame as a way of life. Will the Seven Suemigai honor their promise to keep safe the secrets of a dying culture? Or will they betray their masters and join forces with the horde?

"Absorbing, if you're a sponge." says Gene Siskel.

(Based on an ancient Japanese tale of death and betrayal: seven old samurai.)


With apologies to Akira Kurosawa (The Seven Samurai) and John Sturges (The Magnificent Seven).

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