From: (Damsel Plum) Newsgroups: alt.adoption Subject: Biomom as Superwoman (was Whora Screwus And Her Hypocritical Double Standards) Date: 19 May 1996 06:18:23 GMT Biomom as Superwoman - a theory The other day I came up with a radical theory on birthmothers. It's kinda Darwinian. Here goes: Sexual desire and receptivity are meant to aid and abet in reproducing the species. Except in cases of rape and incest, women who get pregnant accidentally must be either exceptionally horny (could also be interpreted as reckless) or attractive (constantly hit on by men) or fertile (aka "unlucky"). While polite society might consider these traits undesirable in a woman, they were meant to get babies born. They defy conventions. They are ancient and relentless. They make babies. If this is true, birthmothers shouldn't be viewed as unfit pariahs but rather as Superwomen whose fertility and charm transcend all societal mandates. They are the Uberfraulein of the Birthing World! But, well, unfortunately for birthmothers the fact that they don't have a man (or family) to help them complicates matters a bit. They're convinced they can't raise their own kids. This way they have no cultural input into their kids' upbringing. Just genes. Some of us have even survived attempts at self-induced abortion. Wait a sec. I've got it all wrong. Biomoms aren't the Master Race, ADOPTEES are! Surviving and thriving against the odds, eminently adaptable, having the guts and wiles to sniff out our gene donors when necessary. ADOPTEES ARE THE MASTER RACE!!!!!!!!!!!! Just kidding. Another Adoptee Bastard Nation Dept. of Dangerous Theories