There are people and organizations which have made it their business to keep adult adopted people passive and infantilized. They insist on referring to us as "children", on making hysterical and un- informed claims on how all hell would break loose if adult adoptees had the same rights as every other adult citizen. Tour of Anti-adoptee
Sites Also see: National
Council for Adoption (NCFA):
It's time to debunk these claims and to overcome the insecure but powerful minority of agencies, adoption attorneys, and bastard-shamers who would keep us passive "forever children" in their fantasy world of grateful bastards, saved from the shame of our "illegi- timate" births. Adoptees are not shameful. The Uniform Adoption Act of 1994: Seeking to seal adoptee records for 99 years and to criminalize searching. |
These pages are written by the members and affiliates of BN. They were conceived and are maintained by Damsel Plum.
Copyright 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 Bastard Nation