Photos & Reports from Adoptee Rights Days, June 2001

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From Terri Leber in Seattle, Washington

3 years ago many of us here gathered in the red brick square in downtown Portland for the first Measure 58 Rally. It poured - but we chanted and marched and gave speeches - and walked with Max the dog who has records. Today we gathered in Westlake Park - a red brick "square" and carried signs and handed out flyers to hundreds of people - in the rain. We're hoping that the rain on red brick is a predictor of future success as it was for Oregon.

As an added bonus Tully's coffee was there giving out samples and they had colorful balloons and several teams of Tango dancers... I don't know why.. maybe their drink was named Tango something... the result was a lot of people stopping by to check it out.. they thought the dancers and Tully's people were there for Adoptee Rights Day - um yeah we're really that good - we already have corporate sponsorship.

Two really great beat cops were there - but they didn't want to dance.. We all worked the square - talking to many "civilians" and a dozen or so adoptees - and about half as many birthparents - well at least confessed ones - who knows how many we really talked to. By the end we had a couple more people helping with flyer distribution. We distributed close to 200 flyers that also announced our events for June 15 - 17 where we hope to see more people.

The reception was very positive and heartwarming. There were several people from Europe who were so curious as to why we still had closed records and why it is done on a state to state basis... which prompted a constitutional discussion about states rights and the tyranny of the Federal government... All in all a good experience for a rainy afternoon with a lot of great connections made.I hope the rest of you have as great an experience. -- Terri in Seattle

Scenes from San Francisco, California's ARD 2001

Including adoptee rights activists Ron Morgan, Denise Castellucci, Damsel Plum, Kevin McCarty, Stephen Kanzee, Geneva Anderson, Fred Gurner and others.







Stephen Kanzee, adoptee

DeniseDenise Castellucci, adoptee

Ron, Kev & Damsel's birthmom Maureen

Ron Morgan, adoptee; Kevin McCarty, adoptive father; Maureen Garton, Damsel's birthmother


Damsel Plum, adoptee



(This feature appeared in the Summer 2001 issue of the Bastard Quarterly.)Copyright 2001 Bastard Nation
All Rights Reserved