The Bastard Buddy Program
If you would like
to share a room at the 1999 Bastard Nation Conference please fill
out the Bastard Buddy form below and either email it to or mail it in with your registration
forms to:
Bastard Nation
454 Las Gallinas
PBN 199
San Rafael, CA 94903
Hotel reservations:
Room rate is $82 a night for weeknights,
$119 a night on weekends
To make reservations, call: 800-548-3030
and make sure you mention that you are reserving for the Bastard
Nation Conference, to secure the reduced conference rate. Three
people can stay in a room, maximum. Please make sure to email Ron Morgan to let him know that you are reserving a
room and for which nights so that he can keep track of the number
of reservations. Thank you.
Name ___________________________________________
Phone number ( ) ________________________
Email: _____________________________
Gender: Male __________ Female___________
Which nights will you be staying at the hotel (Thursday 10/7 - Sunday 10/11)?
How many people would you like to share a room with? (1-3)________________
Do you prefer to share a room with A) all the same gender _______ B) Doesn't matter ____
Do you prefer A)
Non-smoking _________ B) Smoking _________
Do you insist on one or the other? ________________
Will you be bringing a sleeping bag? ___________________
If you already have a buddy and are looking for an extra roommate/s, let us know the specifics of your situation and what you are looking for. We cannot guarantee a buddy match but we can do our best to find you a roomie by October 1, 1999.
Return this form via email to Don't forget to send in your registration form and conference fees by the September 15th deadline to qualify for the earlybird discount!
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