Some more slices from the Dalek-atessen...
Dr Who of his scarf is quite vain.
Its use is for riding the train.
He wears it quite loose,
tied to the caboose,
And rides free by the neck! How insane!
Dr Who with his girlfriend was vexed
He found that his last name perplexed.
His girl said 'Let's play Doctor,'
He did and it shocked her,
She slapped him and left, oh what next?
Dr Who's in a terrible rut!
He's found that his mom was a slut!
To relinquish, she opted
The Doc was adopted!
His BIRTH name's not Who... it is WHAT!
Dr Who has an unheard of son.
The girl didn't say Who was the one...
She used his Tardis key
As a makeshift IUD
And her oven gave birth to a bun!
And so Timelords are not all immune
And this poem will be ending soon.
So let's all relax!
It will roll off our backs
And we can all go howl at the moon!